Catholic Online. “St. Clare – Saints & Angels”. n.d. Web. 5 November 2010. <>.
This site is a page for people of the Catholic faith. It contains local and global news, books, a prayers sections and a section that contains information about Saints and Angels. Once you go to the saint’s link, you go to saints index; there you can search alphabetically for the hundreds upon hundreds of Catholic saints. The page about St. Clare describes how she came to follow St. Francis. It also tells the story about how she prayed and saved her sisters and her city when a soldier threat surfaced.
Church History. “Institutionalizing the Franciscan Order of St. Clare”. American Society of Church History. Cambridge University Press. Vol. 69, No. 1 (Mar., 2000), pp. 41-62. Web. 5 November 2010. <>.
This Journal was about the conflict between the Friars Minor and the Franciscan nuns, the confrontation last from 1261-63. There were three different parts to the journal; The Friars Minor and the Franciscan Nuns, Conflict, Aftermath: The Sisters’ Response. I address just the first and last parts as they include the most information about St. Clare and her role in the conflict. The conflict was focused on the level of care the friars were to provide the nuns and which type of rule the nuns lived under.
Hayes, Holly. Sacred Destinations. “Basilica di Santa Chiara, Assisi”. n.d. Web. 6 November 2010. <>.
This site contains links to popular, sacred religious destinations all over the world. The links are broken up alphabetically. So to find the Basilica of St. Clare you would click on Places (F-I), then (the country) Italy, then (the city) Assisi, then finally (the destination) Basilica di Santa Chiara. Here you find a bit of history about St. Clares life. Then a detailed description of the Church is included. It explains both how the church was built and more specifically what can see when visiting the church. There is also a Quick Facts section which provides helpful information such as the hours of visitation to the church.
Irvine, William B. A Guide to the Good Life. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2009. Print.
This book by William Irvine touches on the principles and techniques of Stoic philosophy. The book goes through the history of the philosophical school that was started in ancient Rome and then moves on to show how we can use the techniques of Stoicism to live better lives today. Chapter 15 on Luxury and Irvine’s description of the Cynic lifestyle both relate to the ways of the Poor Clares.
James, Rebecca. Sister Freaks: Stories of Women Who Gave Up Everything for God. New York: Time Warner Book Company, 2005. Print.
This book by Rebecca St. James is essentially a devotional book. It is divided up by weeks, with each week telling the story of a different women in history who gave up certain aspects of their lives for Christ. Each story is just a few pages long, with a passage from the Christian bible to connect the stories to the faith and ways of Jesus Christ. The story of St. Clare gave some background to her childhood. It mostly focused on her Order of Poor Clares, a group of women who gave up everything to become devote to God. The passage describes the duties of the Poor Clares, and some of St. Francis and St. Clares relationship.
Sisters of St. Clare. “St. Clare Biography”. Sisters of St Clare. 2009. Web. 6 November 2010.
This website is the home site of the Organization Sisters of St. Clare. The organization started out as an order that St. Clare of Assisi started in the 1200’s. The site contains an “About Us” section; here you can get information about today’s current members. There are also a “Prayer Request” and “Ways to Give” links. In order to get information about St. Clare I went to the “About Us” and then to Biography. When you go to the Biography of St. Clare it tells a bit about her childhood. It then goes on to tell how she came to know St. Francis, a preacher who she admired. Then it describes the history of the Order of St. Clare.
Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. “Clare of Assisi”. 4 November 2010. Web. 5 November 2010. <>.
In order to get basic information about St. Clare, the Wikipedia online Encyclopedia provides an outline of who St. Clare was, and what she did. The contents of the page include a Biography, a brief summary on what occurred after her death, and what her legacy consists of. The site also includes sections that suggest further reading and external links. The external links are very helpful because they provide you with reliable sources in which you can obtain information on St. Clare, or related topics.
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